New markets with millions or even billions of potential customers make every marketer´s heart jump with joy. The idea is to source from the global market cheaply and then export it with high value and profitable prices to countries with needs.
However, globalization has profound consequences in the way of Schumpeter´s "creative destruction". Whereas this is an ongoing process for all, especially the European countries are lagging dangerously, hiding behind obsolete protectionist and unsustainable barriers to competition.
Not only does the current financial and economic crisis put up a strong mandate for excellent management of global business. This serious recession makes the mandate to change more urgent and pressing for top managers, leaders and statesmen.
How to master the global business challenge? Here are some proven rules:
- Extend your personal and organizational perspective to global matters; open up your world to what is out there, take it in and learn from new realities - if you like it or not. Start here at the lonely planet guide .
- Secure the facts and knowledge about global markets, the trends, risks and opportunities; replace hear-say, half-truths and pseudo-knowledge with systematic understanding. Start here: global edge, university washington library, CIA world factbook, stat usa, or internet world stats .
- Develop clear international business goals and strategies; these need to be realistic and worked out in required detail, while keeping room for adaptation to accomodate local or temporal changes. Start learning here: OpenCourseWare MIT or here Kellogg Insight .
- For market leadership, the right positioning is key to success; research and establish the right position in the respective markets and back it up with branding resources. For branding and positioning see MarketingProfs Branding, Copernicus Marketing or B2B Branding .
- Accept, respect and integrate local culture and quirks; leave local decision makers to adapt the goals for optimal implementation. Execution is always local, not only in marketing, but in all functions. For details, look at cross culture communication, WorldBusinessCulture, or
- Leverage existing market infrastructure, channels and providers and build alliances and cooperations; to build everything from scratch is seldom necessary or profitable. Select high-quality partners and tie them to you. See US Commercial Service, German Chambers of Trade or Austrian Trade.
- Get started now with this one page marketing plan template. For details on starting, just look into yourself! Good luck!